Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Static Electricity

Room 25 have been investigating static electricity!
WOW! Learning is fun!

Yesterday Room 25 were learning about static electricity. We got a balloon. We used wool to rub the balloon. The we got wool and polystyrene balls and paper. Those things stuck on our hair. It surprised me and I was happy because the balloon could pick up things. - Tess

Yesterday we made static electricity. we rubbed the wool on the balloons. It stuck on the balloons. It stuck to our hair. Our hairs went up, up, up. - Sarah

We used balloons and wool and rubbed them together. We rubbed it on our hair. It stuck to our hair. - Ike

Yesterday we were learning about static electricity.I rubbed the balloon on my hair and the balloon was stuck on my hair. I was surprised that it did that, it was cool. - Luka

Yesterday Room 25 had balloons. We rubbed them on our head then it was stuck on our head. We also rubbed it with a ball of wool and then we stuck it in the polystyrene and the paper. We made a big mess on the floor and table. It surprised me. - Emily F

Yesterday I made static electricity. We blew a balloon up and we rubbed the balloon then the paper stuck to the balloon like a magnet. It was exciting. - Rainers

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