Sunday, March 18, 2012

Our Wonderful Walkathon

Red Beach Walkathon on PhotoPeach

On Friday it was the Walkathon day. Firstly we got on a bendy bus or coach to go to Shakespear Park. Then as soon as we got there I had morning tea. Next we had a long walk and on the way I found a dead lizard. Sarah took it home in her bag. Afterwards I had lunch and played some games. Finally we had gone all the way around and I got an ice block, yum! I had fun. - Elizabeth

On Friday I went to the Walkathon at Shakespear Park. There was a ginormous hill at the start. We went all the way to the Lookout. We had lunch there. It was fun playing at the top. I did walk with a group. It was a long way but we took a bus some of the way. - Alesha

On Friday I went to Shakespear Park to do the Walkathon. First wer went up the hill and down the hill. -Keenan

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