Saturday, February 18, 2012

Using Our Brains!

Room 25 are learning how things work. We are learning how our brains work.

Yesterday my class Room 25 looked at a brain, it was a pig's brain. It was red, purple and white. We also touched it with gloves on. We smelt it, it didn't really smell at all. It smelt like it was meat. - Emily F

Yesterday Room 25 touched a pig's brain. We smelt it too. We got in groups, I was with Rico, Emily M, Keenan and Adam. It smelt like rotten meat. It looked light pink with white bits and bloody veins. It felt very squishy and gooey. Of course it looked wet. - Keana

Yesterday Room 25 looked at a pig's brain. It was pink and white, sticky and squashy. It was very disgusting. I thought it smelt like meat. - Bronson

Yesterday I looked at pig's brains. It felt all squishy. It didn't look like a normal brain. It was fun touching the brain. - Jacob

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