Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dragons at Red Beach School

The Big Dragon at Red Beach School.
One day in Room 25 there was a girl playing. Then a big red dragon swooped down but she did not run away from the kind dragons. She played with all of the dragons. - Emily F

The Dragon at Red Beach School
I was playing on the field, suddenly a big, big red fiery dragon landed right next to me. I was terrified! - Keegan

One exciting day a big dragon, ten meters high, came to Red Beach School. It said to me "Do you want to be my friend?" I said yes, I loved being the dragon's friend. It gave me a swoopy ride. What a day I had! - Emily M

The Angry Dragon.
One morning when the bell rang I came to class. A really big angry dragon with scales like prickles was ready to teach us. He broke the chairs, he was that heavy. I was so frightened and I could not believe my eyes. When we spelt a word wrong he told us off. I had to handle this for a week. All through the week I was shivering and triple terrified. By the next week I was fine because the big angry dragon did not like being bad and because I had my teacher back. - Elizabeth

Three Fiery Dragons
I was working quietly when "crash!" three big strong yellow dragons crashed down onto our class's roof. They blew a fiery flame it made a huge hole in our roof. They flew through. I was very frightened but then one of them said "Can you be our friend please." The room was silent until Mrs Watt said "Of course we will be your friends." The dragons were so happy that they blew fiery flames. "In fact, you can be a student." One of the children said. "I will buy you school uniforms." So that is how it ends. - Keana

The Dragon at Red Beach School
I was playing on the monkey bars with my friends and then a dragon swooped down and gave us a fright. The yellow scaly dragon had lots of yellow spikes on its back. It's a scary dragon. - Ella M

On day a big green dragon flew down to school. Aaaaahh! I screamed and ran away. It was a nice dragon. I patted him on the nose so he lay down and then he became friends with me. I played with him too. - Alesha

The dragon at Red Beach School
I was playing quietly on the playground, suddenly there was a huge crash! I saw a huge red scaly dragon. The dragon flapped into the library. My pet dragon's name is Daisy. - Megan

A huge dragon landed at Red Beach School. It was a really big dragon. The dragon blew out some fire and made a BBQ. I liked the dragons. - Bronson

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