Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tangaroa's Gift

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A stroke of purple from a silky flower A swirl of blue from the deep dark ocean A dab of green from a hungry lizard A chunk of pink from a rare chameleon and A line of silver from an old man’s moustache. Sarah Cochrane

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A tinge of blue from a shimmering dolphin A shimmer of purple from a pretty flower A touch of green from a shiny grape A dab of pink from the beautiful sunset A blush of silver from a dazzling moon and a drop of white from a soft cloud. Elizabeth Tickner

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A stroke of green from beautiful piece of grass A swirl of yellow from the sun A smudge of purple from an onion A blush of blue from the shiny ocean and a tint of silver from the moon. Ryleigh McMahon
The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A tint of blue from a little lady bug A swirl of purple from some lipstick A bit of green from the grass A dip of silver from the moon and a tint of black from space. Adam Stuart

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A blush of blue from the deep blue sea A swirl of purple from an onion A swipe of light green from the grass A touch of bright pink from a baby pig A smudge of sparkling orange from some juice and A dab of bumpy silver from the full moon. Ella McKinney

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A piece of blue from the shiny ladybug A line of bright purple from an onion A shine of light green from some peas A strip of light pink from a jellybean A stroke of silver from the moon and A swirl of shiny yellow from the golden buttercups. Emily Fortes
The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A tint of blue from a shiny dolphin A swirl of purple from an onion A bit of green from the shiny grass A splash of silver from a baby penguin and A touch of white from a clear cloud. Alesha Roberts
The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A shiny blue bit of the ocean A drop of purple from the flowers A swirl of green from morning grass A pink shine from a sparkling crystal A sparkle of silver from cold ice and A bit of red from a heart Olivia Howell

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A little shiny drop of blue from the cold sea A sparkle of purple from crystal in a dark cave A swirly piece of green from the clean grass A stroke of bright pink from a rainbow and A flap of silver from a peacock’s feather. Keenan Swart

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take The coolest silver from a shiny moustache A line of green from a frog A dab of purple from the wing feathers of a pukeko A chunk of blue from the sparkly sky A tinge of red from delicious ripe strawberries and A stripe of pink from a rose. Luka Fairbairn

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A tint of blue from a ladybug’s wing A wash of purple from a fish A hint of dark green from a lizard A stripe of bright pink from a rose on a wet leaf A smudge of sparkling orange from some juice and A drop of silver from a sleek dolphin. Alexis van Niekerk

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take The sparkle of silver from a tin A bit of bright pink from a fire A bucket of green from a bean stalk A swipe of purple from a crystal and A shiny bit from a rainbow. Caleb Phillips

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A tinge of blue from the deep shiny ocean A swirl of purple from a Pukeko’s wing A bucket of green from the tallest tree A line of pink from the sunset on a hazy day and A blush of silver from the sliver fern. Bronson Brown

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A tint of purple from a violet flower A dab of blue from a Pukeko A swirl of green from the grass A shiny bit of pink from a flower A swirl of silver from a pigeon’s feather. Rainers Caune

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A blush of green from the wet grass A tint of pink from the first roses A line of purple from a yummy jellybean A bit of silver from the full moon A dot of blue form the ocean and A touch of yellow from the sun. Keegan M-Fourie

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A shine of blue from a dolphin A bit of purple from a Pukeko A tint of green from grass A blush of pink from the sunset A drop of silver from the shark’s fin and Some beautiful white from the snow. Matthew Robson

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take The blue from the dripping rain the purple from a colourful rainbow A flash of green from a spiky tree A dob of pink from the pig’s lips and A sparkle of silver from the moon. Ike Stratton

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A bit of blue from a tasty jellybean Some purple from a rainbow A line of green from a frog A tint of pink from some lips and A big drop of silver from starlight. Cameron Goodger

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A blush of silver from a shiny moustache A stripe of green from the pretty grass A line of red from burning lava A touch of purple from the beautiful pukeko and A bit of pink from a muddy pig. Jacob Vessey

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A dab of blue from the shiny sky A tint of purple from a jellyfish A bit of green from a lily pad A blush of pink from the sunset and A blush of silver from the moon. Emily McGhie

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A sparkle off a blue shiny dolphin A swirl of purple from a shell A smudge of green from a beautiful lily pad A drop of pink from a sparkly rose A tinge of silver from shiny shoes and A shine of yellow off bright buttercups. Megan Carter
The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take A dab from a diamond A swirl of silver from a mean super hero A tinge of blue from a glittery sky and A tint of purple from a yummy plum. Rico Cullen

The Paua If I were making a paua shell, I would take the blue from the shining seas A blush of purple from some crystals A drop of green from the grass A shine of silver from the moon and A pearl of pink from the sunset. Drew Bishop

The Paua If I were making paua shell, I would take A of swirl of bright blue from a packed beach A blush of purple from a fresh juicy plum Two drops of green from a green tree frog A touch of pink from a small spiky starfish A dab of silver from the shining bright stars and a tint of white from a soft white cloud. Keana Lowden-Hayward

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sound of the week

ai - mail, trail, faint
a-e - lake, pane, take
ay - day, bay, lay

Letter of the week

Friday Challenge

Who is our new principal and where has she come from?

Maths from Room 25 kids!

17 birds were on a fence and 5 flew away. How many birds were left? - Elizabeth
10 seagulls were on a beach and another 5 landed there. How many seagulls were there? - Emily M
There were 15 dogs playing in the house. 4 dogs went out. How many dogs were left? - Cameron

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Water Cycle

Hi, I'm Snowy a drop of snow and I'm enjoying sitting on a baby polar bear's furry back for the night. It's morning and I don't want to go to work. I hate evaporating up to work. Up I go! Finally I'm here at work. Hey there's Snowdrop from preschool! I'm puffing up and get bigger! Then plop! I fell into a cup of water. Oh no I'm slipping down the glass and into a man's mouth, the man was wearing a big fluffy suit. I'm not going down his neck am I? Yes, I am! Aaaaahhh! Hey, here's the heart, there's my friends Drippy and Poppy. "Hey guys!" Wheee! Oh no, I'm slipping. I fall on the ground in a big pile of something stinky, slimy and smelly. Pooey! Yay, I'm evaporating again. I'm getting big. Bang! I fell onto an igloo - ow, that hurt. This is freezing. I dropped onto a penguin, he waddled towards a walrus, oh no I got stuck in hs whiskers, they are so spiky. Yay, he's going into the sea, now I can see my friends and family. Up we go again. Hey, here's my sister Milly the molecule. "Hi Milly!" - Keana

I am a drop of water in the sea. Aaaah! A whale has swallowed me up. I go swish. I landed on a spiky rock. I lay in the hot sun and then I evaporated. - Keenan

Hi I'm Drip the droplet and this is my adventure. Wel, I first started on a leaf and then plop i fell into a river and down down down the river I went. Aaahhhh! A waterfall! I'm going to go down it. Aaahhh, plop. I'm heading out to sea, oh no, hey are those my friends Happy Bob and Harry Hay? I'm going up , up and up way into the clouds. Oh no, I'm precipitating down, down, down into a lake. I'm going to fall in it plop. I splat like a water drop. - Alexis

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Market Day

Market Day on PhotoPeach

Room 25 has been learning about how things work. We have been investigating how wheels and axles work. We wanted to make a toy on wheels. We decided we wanted to make a pukeko on wheels. We first made a model, then we discussed what materials we could use to make our toy. We had to use many tools, like hack saws and sand paper. We also made Pukeko Poo out of hokey pokey and chocolate. That was fun because we were learning about matter and we could see what happened when we mixed things together and heated them. It was tricky, but we really enjoyed making our pukekos. Then we sold them at the market day. They looked awesome! Everybody loved our stall.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Roly Poly's

We have been learning about Roly Poly's. We have found out that there are three kinds of Roly Poly's - racers, ditherers and wanderers. Do you know how each one moves? We also looked at making different kinds of axles.

Wheels, wheels, wheels!

Room 25 has been learning how to make axles and wheels. We were making little cars out of boxes. We learnt heaps about wheels. Some things worked and some things didn't! Have a look at how we persevered to make our cars roll down a slope

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Animal dress up day

Red Beach School held a mufti day to raise money for the animal welfare charity called WSPA. They work to save animals all over the world and do amazing work. Visit their website to find out more about them. Some of our children dressed up as animals to celebrate the day. Didn't they look gorgeous! We raised $490.50 for the charity. Well done RBS!

Kelly Sports

Room 25 was treated to a great afternoon of sport when the Kelly Sport team visited us. We ran, jumped and used our ball skills. What a wonderful time we had. Thank you kelly Sports!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gingerbread Men

The Runaway Gingerbread Man: Today I made a delicious gingerbread man. First I popped into the oven and in a few minutes time I was so excited because I was allowed to take him out of the oven. But as soon as I put him onto the table to cool he jumped onto the floor and ran into Miss Tait's office. Miss Tait saw the yummy gingerbread man and said "Stop, stop" but the gingerbread man said "Run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" Next he ran into Room 29, Patrick and the whole class chased after him. They said "Stop, stop!" The gingerbread man said "Run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" After that he ran onto the field, the duty teachers chased the gingerbread man. Soon Mr. Townsend spotted him. The gingerbread man ran all the way back to the kitchen and I gobbled him up to the last crumb. - Elizabeth

The Gingerbread Man: Today I was so excited to make my baked gingerbread man. When I baked him I put him in the oven for a minute. When time was up I took him out of the oven to cool down. I hopped on the couch to watch T.V. As I just got up I heard a noise, it was the gingerbread man!! He ran down the path. "Run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" I kept on running but I got tired and gave up. He got eaten by a fox. - Rico

One afternoon I made a gingerbread man. I left it in the oven until it was ready then I left it to cool down. When I was gone it ran away. It went to the field. The gingerbread man saw people playing tag, so he said "Can I play?" they said "Oh yeah" but one girl said "I am going to eat you!" "Okay, then run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" A wild cat came out when he was not looking. He ate him all up. - Alesha

The Gingerbread Man: Room 25 was making delicious gingerbread men. Firstly I put my topping on and then put it in the hot oven. After that I pulled it out of the oven. Suddenly my brown gingerbread man jumped onto its small feet and ran out of the hall and on the field. First she asked the tall boys if she could play some soccer with them. But they all started running after her. Then she ran on the court and asked some little girls to teach her how to hula hoop. But they ran after her and the gingerbread man said "Run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" After a while she ran past the staff room while the teachers were drinking lemon tea but they ran after her and the gingerbread man said "Run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!" Not long after that she ran past Miss Tait's office and Miss Tait ran after her and caught her. Then they all broke her into pieces and ate her all up. - Keana

The Gingerbread Man at Red Beach School: Today we made gingerbread men. When we took the gingerbread man out of the oven the gingerbread man jumped up and ran away into the office. Ms Tait saw the gingerbread man and Ms Tait ran after the gingerbread man. So then he ran into all of the classrooms. The whole school ran after the gingerbread man. They never caught the gingerbread man. The gingerbread man lived happily ever after. - Jacob

Thursday, May 24, 2012


The Knight Community Assembly

On the 18th May the Knight Community had their assembly. We put in lots of work and practised really hard. Some of us had to take a risk as we had to talk in front of a lot of people. We persevered and on the day we were perfect. We wrote poems for Ms Tait and we hope she loved them. We really had to collaborate, participate and of course we celebrated together! We had a fantastic time!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Room 25's Autumn Walk

Room 25 went on a beautiful Autumn walk. Have a look at what we saw!
Yesterday Room 25 went for an Autumn walk. I found curling colourful leaves drifting off the trees and landing like a butterfly. It looked like a carpet of leaves. I heard a bird chirping a little song. There was wet grass and my feet got all grassy. By the little children's playground, there's lots of leaves. - Tess

Yesterday I went on a beautiful walk. I saw green and red leaves. I really studied them. I saw a carpet of leaves. I loved it - Cameron
Room 25 went for an Autumn walk. I will show you the colour of the leaves. The leaves were red,yellow, brown orange and purple. The leaves float and drift down from the trees. - Jacob
Room 25's Autumn walk. I picked up 100 leaves in the fresh cold air. The leaves were colourful. it was such fun. We went around the school. The leaves were really soft. - Matthew

Monday, April 23, 2012

Making lighthouses

In Room 25 we taken a risk and have had a go at making our own lighthouses. We used paper, batteries, wires and bulbs. See how we did!

Comments from our class mates ... We need a plan. My first plan didn't work, I need a new plan. We need to look at pictures of lighthouses. There's no such thing as can't. First let's draw it.This tape works better than that tape. How did you do that? I need to change that to make it better. I need to measure it. I had to persevere! I made new plans as I went on, to make it better! I saw all the problems and made a plan to fix them. I didn't think I could do it, but I did! Yay! It works! Room 25 uses amazing strategies every day!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pyjama Party

Oh what fun,
Oh what joy,
For every girl and boy,
We'll remember this day always ...
When we went to school in our PJ's!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Red Beach Olympics Day

The Red Beach School Olympics was on Wednesday. We had to jump as far as a frog. I hit the big red target. I couldn't jump over the elastics. I jumped over the cone and I got yellow sand in my cut. I liked the soccer. I didn't get a go in the hockey. It was fun. - Cameron

Fantastic Olympics
On Wednesday all of the school did the Olympics because England is doing the Olympics this year. I really enjoyed the soccer game. My mum came to watch me. I did all of the exciting games. At first I was scared, then I loved it so much. - Alesha

Olympics Day
Yesterday it was the best day because we got to do lots of things like dribbling, jumping kicking and long jump. It was fantastic. My favourite thing was the obstacle course. We had to go on the wobbly pieces of wood.Then we went on the red ladder and we went in the big fat tunnel. After we went down the big slow steep slide. We had a great time. - Tess

Olympics Day
Yesterday Red Beach School had an Olympics Day. Room 25 went to high jump first.Then we had to go to shot put where we had to throw the bean bag. Next we went to the playground and we had to balance on the side of the playground edging and we had to crawl under the tunnel. I felt too happy. - Keegan

What an awesome day, Knight Community. You all participated, collaborated and celebrated! You were AMAZING!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Electric Circuits

Yesterday we made a circuit with electricity. We had to attach the wires on to the metal screws. It was really hard to open the crocodile clips on the wires because we had to push the springy bit as hard as we could. Then the light bulb worked. I was so excited. – Adam

Yesterday we made electricity with a battery case, crocodile clips and a wire, a light bulb and a battery. I was nervous. – Rico

Yesterday we made electricity move in a circuit. Electricity is very dangerous. Electricity can make lights work and computers work. Electricity is very powerful. It was scary. Some things don’t have electricity. - Alexis