Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Water Cycle

Hi, I'm Snowy a drop of snow and I'm enjoying sitting on a baby polar bear's furry back for the night. It's morning and I don't want to go to work. I hate evaporating up to work. Up I go! Finally I'm here at work. Hey there's Snowdrop from preschool! I'm puffing up and get bigger! Then plop! I fell into a cup of water. Oh no I'm slipping down the glass and into a man's mouth, the man was wearing a big fluffy suit. I'm not going down his neck am I? Yes, I am! Aaaaahhh! Hey, here's the heart, there's my friends Drippy and Poppy. "Hey guys!" Wheee! Oh no, I'm slipping. I fall on the ground in a big pile of something stinky, slimy and smelly. Pooey! Yay, I'm evaporating again. I'm getting big. Bang! I fell onto an igloo - ow, that hurt. This is freezing. I dropped onto a penguin, he waddled towards a walrus, oh no I got stuck in hs whiskers, they are so spiky. Yay, he's going into the sea, now I can see my friends and family. Up we go again. Hey, here's my sister Milly the molecule. "Hi Milly!" - Keana

I am a drop of water in the sea. Aaaah! A whale has swallowed me up. I go swish. I landed on a spiky rock. I lay in the hot sun and then I evaporated. - Keenan

Hi I'm Drip the droplet and this is my adventure. Wel, I first started on a leaf and then plop i fell into a river and down down down the river I went. Aaahhhh! A waterfall! I'm going to go down it. Aaahhh, plop. I'm heading out to sea, oh no, hey are those my friends Happy Bob and Harry Hay? I'm going up , up and up way into the clouds. Oh no, I'm precipitating down, down, down into a lake. I'm going to fall in it plop. I splat like a water drop. - Alexis

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