Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Water Cycle

Hi, I'm Snowy a drop of snow and I'm enjoying sitting on a baby polar bear's furry back for the night. It's morning and I don't want to go to work. I hate evaporating up to work. Up I go! Finally I'm here at work. Hey there's Snowdrop from preschool! I'm puffing up and get bigger! Then plop! I fell into a cup of water. Oh no I'm slipping down the glass and into a man's mouth, the man was wearing a big fluffy suit. I'm not going down his neck am I? Yes, I am! Aaaaahhh! Hey, here's the heart, there's my friends Drippy and Poppy. "Hey guys!" Wheee! Oh no, I'm slipping. I fall on the ground in a big pile of something stinky, slimy and smelly. Pooey! Yay, I'm evaporating again. I'm getting big. Bang! I fell onto an igloo - ow, that hurt. This is freezing. I dropped onto a penguin, he waddled towards a walrus, oh no I got stuck in hs whiskers, they are so spiky. Yay, he's going into the sea, now I can see my friends and family. Up we go again. Hey, here's my sister Milly the molecule. "Hi Milly!" - Keana

I am a drop of water in the sea. Aaaah! A whale has swallowed me up. I go swish. I landed on a spiky rock. I lay in the hot sun and then I evaporated. - Keenan

Hi I'm Drip the droplet and this is my adventure. Wel, I first started on a leaf and then plop i fell into a river and down down down the river I went. Aaahhhh! A waterfall! I'm going to go down it. Aaahhh, plop. I'm heading out to sea, oh no, hey are those my friends Happy Bob and Harry Hay? I'm going up , up and up way into the clouds. Oh no, I'm precipitating down, down, down into a lake. I'm going to fall in it plop. I splat like a water drop. - Alexis

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Market Day

Market Day on PhotoPeach

Room 25 has been learning about how things work. We have been investigating how wheels and axles work. We wanted to make a toy on wheels. We decided we wanted to make a pukeko on wheels. We first made a model, then we discussed what materials we could use to make our toy. We had to use many tools, like hack saws and sand paper. We also made Pukeko Poo out of hokey pokey and chocolate. That was fun because we were learning about matter and we could see what happened when we mixed things together and heated them. It was tricky, but we really enjoyed making our pukekos. Then we sold them at the market day. They looked awesome! Everybody loved our stall.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Roly Poly's

We have been learning about Roly Poly's. We have found out that there are three kinds of Roly Poly's - racers, ditherers and wanderers. Do you know how each one moves? We also looked at making different kinds of axles.

Wheels, wheels, wheels!

Room 25 has been learning how to make axles and wheels. We were making little cars out of boxes. We learnt heaps about wheels. Some things worked and some things didn't! Have a look at how we persevered to make our cars roll down a slope